Build vs Outsource: Why You Should Use an Outsourced Branded Link Shortener?

When it comes to optimizing your online presence and enhancing your marketing efforts, the choice between building an in-house solution and outsourcing specific services is a critical decision. One such pivotal area that businesses need to consider is the implementation of a branded link shortener. It can have a substantial impact on a brand’s online identity and customer engagement

While developing an in-house branded link shortener may seem like a tempting prospect for some businesses, it often comes with many challenges. The time and resources required for its development, ongoing maintenance, and the technical expertise needed can be burdensome. In contrast, outsourcing this function to a specialized provider can offer numerous advantages. By entrusting the task to experts in the field, businesses can save time, reduce costs, and leverage the technology and expertise already in place. Outsourcing not only provides a swift and efficient solution but also ensures that your branded links are managed with precision, preserving your brand’s integrity while freeing up your internal teams to focus on core competencies.

What is an Outsourced Branded Link Shortener?

An outsourced branded link shortener, such as Rebrandly, is a service that allows businesses to create custom, shortened URLs associated with their domain names. This technology provides numerous advantages, with one of the key benefits being the ability to create a shorter link while still leveraging its own domain’s authority. By doing so, businesses can continue to convey credibility. When a link carries the branding of a recognized company, it inherently carries more trust in the eyes of users, search engines, and social media platforms. This, in turn, leads to higher click-through rates and conversions across efforts on different platforms.

In-house Build vs. Outsourced Branded Link Shortener: What to Consider

Businesses that need to create custom, shortened URLs can choose to build an in-house solution or to go with one of the platforms available in the market. Here is a brief comparison of these two options:

Cost and Budget Considerations

When it comes to cost, building an in-house branded link shortener may require a significant initial investment. It includes hiring developers, acquiring hardware or cloud infrastructure, and ongoing maintenance costs. On the other hand, outsourcing can be cost-effective as you pay for the services you need without the overhead of building and maintaining the infrastructure. It is especially attractive for small and medium-sized businesses with limited budgets.

Development Time and Speed

In-house development allows for complete control over the timeline, ensuring that the link shortener aligns perfectly with your brand and requirements. However, it can be time-consuming, potentially delaying the launch. Outsourcing offers faster development since experienced providers are well-equipped to create link shorteners efficiently. It can be advantageous for businesses looking to implement the solution quickly.

Customization and Brand Alignment

Building in-house provides the opportunity for full customization, ensuring that the link shortener aligns precisely with your brand’s aesthetics and functionality. This level of control can be essential for companies with unique branding requirements. When outsourcing, you may have to compromise on some customization options to align with the provider’s capabilities.

Maintenance and Support

In-house solutions require ongoing maintenance, updates, and support, which can strain internal resources. Outsourced solutions often come with maintenance and support packages, relieving you of these responsibilities. You can focus on your core business activities while the provider handles technical issues and updates.


Outsourced solutions are often designed with scalability in mind. As your business grows, the provider can accommodate increased traffic and usage. With an in-house solution, you must plan for scalability from the start, potentially incurring higher initial costs to build a system that can handle future demands.

Security and Data Privacy

Both in-house and outsourced solutions can be secure, but the level of security depends on various factors. Building in-house allows you to have full control over security measures, making it easier to tailor the system to meet your specific requirements. Outsourced solutions may be subject to the security protocols of the provider, although reputable providers adhere to strict security standards.

Technical Expertise

When you build an in-house branded link shortener, you need to have or hire the technical expertise required for development and maintenance. Outsourcing leverages the expertise of the provider, giving you access to professionals who specialize in link shortener development.

Legal and Compliance Considerations

Both in-house and outsourced solutions must adhere to legal and compliance requirements, such as data protection and privacy regulations. In-house solutions provide greater control over compliance measures, but outsourcing to a reputable provider with a strong compliance track record can also be a reliable option.

Integration and Compatibility

Consider how the link shortener will integrate with your existing systems and tools. Building in-house allows for seamless integration, as you can design the system to fit your specific needs. When outsourcing, ensure that the provider’s solution is compatible with your existing software and workflows.

Reliability and Uptime

Outsourced solutions often come with service level agreements (SLAs) that guarantee a certain level of uptime and reliability. In-house solutions may be more prone to downtime if not properly managed and maintained.

Why Outsourced Branded Link Shorteners?

An outsourced branded link shortener, like Rebrandly, can offer several strategic benefits for businesses, making it the most common choice. Here are some reasons for that:

Enhanced Brand Engagement through Advanced Features

Outsourced link shorteners come equipped with the latest technological innovations, providing advanced features like A/B testing, link rotation, and smart redirects. These functionalities are not just about creating shorter URLs; they’re about deepening the interaction with your target audience and providing varied content that heightens engagement.

Streamlined Analytics for Dynamic Strategy Adjustments

The power to quickly adapt to your audience’s preferences can set you apart from competitors. Outsourced solutions deliver real-time analytics, allowing for agile adjustments to your marketing tactics. This level of responsiveness ensures your strategies remain effective and relevant.

Seamless User and Customer Experience

Providers of outsourced link shorteners excel in user experience, offering intuitive platforms that require minimal training to navigate. Additionally, the customer support that backs these services ensures that any issues are swiftly addressed, allowing for uninterrupted marketing activities.

Global Compliance and Integration Ease

Navigating international compliance standards is straightforward with outsourced shorteners, as they are designed to align with various regulatory environments. Moreover, the ease of integration with other tools means that businesses can create a cohesive marketing technology stack without the headaches of compatibility issues.

Focus on Growth, Not Groundwork

Outsourcing liberates you from the groundwork of managing link shortening technology, giving you the freedom to direct your energies toward growth and core business goals. It’s not just a practical solution—it’s a strategic choice that supports your business’s expansion and success in the digital arena.


The following are some frequently asked questions about using an outsourced branded link shortener:

Should you outsource link building?

Whether you should outsource link building depends on your expertise and available resources. If you lack the necessary skills or time to effectively acquire quality backlinks, outsourcing to a reputable SEO agency or professional can be a wise choice. However, it’s crucial to research and choose a trustworthy provider, as low-quality link-building can harm your website’s rankings and reputation. In-house efforts can be cost-effective if you have the know-how, but outsourcing can yield good results when done correctly.

What is outsourced link building?

Outsourced link building is the practice of hiring external individuals or agencies to create backlinks to your website from other reputable sites. This strategy is commonly used in search engine optimization (SEO) to improve a website’s search engine rankings. Outsourced link builders typically reach out to other websites, request guest posts, or create content with embedded links to enhance a website’s authority and visibility in search engine results.

How do you outsource backlinking?

Outsourcing backlinking involves finding and hiring external experts, such as SEO agencies or freelance link builders, to acquire quality backlinks for your website. The process usually includes tasks like identifying relevant websites, creating compelling content, and reaching out to site owners for link placement. Effective outsourcing also requires clear communication, well-defined goals, and ongoing monitoring to ensure the acquired backlinks meet your SEO objectives and maintain the website’s credibility.

How do you outsource SEO work?

To outsource SEO work, start by identifying your goals and budget. Then, research and select a reputable SEO agency or freelancer with a proven track record. Clearly communicate your objectives, expectations, and timeline. Regularly monitor their progress and results and maintain open communication throughout the project. Make sure to establish a contract that outlines the scope of work, pricing, and performance metrics to ensure a successful outsourcing partnership.

Why is outsourcing better than in-house in most cases?

Outsourcing can be more cost-effective and efficient than insourcing for various reasons. It allows businesses to leverage the specialized expertise and resources of external service providers, reducing the need for in-house infrastructure and staff. It often results in lower operational costs, increased flexibility to scale resources as needed, and access to a global talent pool. Outsourcing also enables companies to focus on their core competencies while delegating non-core functions to experts, ultimately improving overall productivity and competitiveness.