The Complete Guide to Retargeting Links

Looking to leverage retargeting links to stay top-of-mind among your prospects and customers?

Retargeting is a strategy that involves showing your ads to individuals who have previously interacted with your content, website, or other digital assets. Retargeting links, in particular, are unique URLs that help companies track these interactions and ‘re-engage’ these users with more targeted and relevant content. They are an indispensable component of a comprehensive marketing funnel, serving as a subtle reminder and a nudge to users who have shown prior interest in your offerings.

The beauty of retargeting links lies in their ability to offer personalized user experiences. They can identify users who have shown interest in specific products, pages, or content and serve them with customized ads that resonate with their interests and browsing behavior. It increases the chances of conversions, as the ads seem less intrusive and more aligned with what the user may actually be looking for.

This makes them vital for remarketing campaigns to re-engage and convert lost customers. In this post, we provide a comprehensive guide on retargeting links, when you should use them, and why you need them. Let’s get started.

What is a Retargeting Link?

A retargeting link, also commonly known as a retargeting URL or retargeting campaign link, is a specialized URL that tracks users who click on it. It’s a crucial component of digital marketing strategies aimed at re-engaging with potential customers who have previously interacted with a brand’s website or content but did not complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.

This technique relies on the principle of remarketing, which involves targeting individuals who have shown initial interest in a product or service by delivering highly personalized advertisements and content to them as they continue to browse the internet. The retargeting link is a pivotal element in this process as it serves as a tracking mechanism that allows businesses to monitor and analyze user behavior, enabling them to deliver tailored ads and content to specific segments of their audience. As such they can even help you with your remarketing list monitoring, allowing you to build a reliable list of remarketing audiences.

Types of Retargeting Links

Two types of retargeting links are commonly used in digital marketing strategies. Here is a brief overview of each type:

Pixel-Based Retargeting

Pixel-based retargeting is a fundamental strategy employed by advertisers and marketers to re-engage with potential customers who have previously interacted with their website or online store. It relies on the use of a retargeting pixel, a small snippet of code generated by a retargeting platform like Google Ads or Facebook Ads, which is then placed on specific pages of a website.

This pixel discreetly tracks the behavior of website visitors, collecting data on the pages they’ve visited, products they’ve viewed, or actions they’ve taken, such as adding items to a cart. Subsequently, this information is leveraged to create retargeting ads aimed at enticing these individuals back to the site.

Pixel-based retargeting works effectively across various social media platforms and websites, allowing advertisers to reach their custom audience with tailored content. When users leave a website without making a purchase, the retargeting pixel kicks into action, triggering ads on social media platforms and other websites they visit.

This technique keeps the brand and its products fresh in the minds of potential customers, ultimately increasing the likelihood of conversion. By analyzing user data collected by retargeting pixels, advertisers can refine their retargeting campaigns, ensuring that the right message is delivered to the right target audience at the right time. It maximizes the effectiveness of their retargeting efforts.

List-Based Retargeting

List-based retargeting is another valuable strategy in the world of online advertising, focusing on targeting specific groups of individuals who have already interacted with a brand in some way. Instead of relying on retargeting pixels and website visitors, list-based retargeting uses predefined lists of customer data. These lists often include email addresses, phone numbers, or other identifying information gathered from previous customer interactions. Advertisers upload these lists to retargeting platforms, which then match the data with their user database to create custom audiences for retargeting campaigns.

List-based retargeting is particularly effective for reaching out to previous customers or individuals who have shown interest in a brand by subscribing to newsletters or signing up for updates. It enables advertisers to create highly personalized retargeting ads and promotions tailored to specific segments of their audience.

This approach goes beyond website visitors and extends the reach to individuals who may not have engaged with a brand on social media or other websites. List-based retargeting can significantly boost conversion rates by rekindling the interest of existing customers and nurturing relationships with potential ones, making it an essential tool in the arsenal of any digital marketer.

You can use remarketing list monitoring to ensure that your list is always updated to include relevant customers while excluding individuals who are no longer relevant. This will help you that your remarketing efforts are always relevant, and, therefore, high-converting. For instance, it wouldn’t make sense to retarget someone with an ad that promotes something that they’ve just recently bought.

When Should You Use Retargeting Links?

Utilizing retargeting links can significantly boost conversion rates and overall ROI. Here are various scenarios in which you should consider using retargeting links to target audiences effectively

Abandoned Shopping Carts

One of the most common use cases for retargeting links is to recover abandoned shopping carts. When a potential customer adds products to their cart but leaves without completing the purchase, it’s a prime opportunity to run retargeting campaigns. By using link retargeting, you can re-engage these individuals with tailored ads on social media and other platforms, reminding them of the items they left behind and encouraging them to complete their purchase.

Product Page Views

Retargeting links can also be employed when users have viewed specific product pages on your website. By tracking these interactions and running social media retargeting campaigns, you can remind users of the products they showed interest in, thus increasing the likelihood of conversion. Target audiences who have demonstrated intent by exploring your product pages are often more receptive to tailored offers and incentives.

Lead Generation

For businesses focused on lead generation, retargeting links can be a game-changer. After someone has interacted with your lead magnet or sign-up page but hasn’t converted, use link retargeting to nurture these leads further. By staying top-of-mind through retargeting ads, you can increase the chances of turning those leads into customers.

Content Engagement

Content marketing is an essential aspect of any digital strategy. When users engage with your blog posts, videos, or other content, it’s a sign of interest. Leverage retargeting links to continue the conversation with these engaged users, providing them with more relevant content or guiding them toward conversion-focused content.

Cross-Selling and Upselling

Retargeting isn’t limited to attracting new customers. You can also use it to boost revenue from existing customers by cross-selling or upselling related products or services. Target audiences who have already made a purchase and show them tailored ads showcasing complementary products or upgraded versions.

Event Promotion

When you’re promoting an event, such as a webinar, conference, or product launch, retargeting links can help maximize attendance. After someone has shown initial interest by clicking on an event-related link, use retargeting to remind them of the event’s date and benefits, encouraging them to register or attend.

Seasonal Campaigns

Seasonal campaigns, such as holiday sales or special occasions, present excellent opportunities for using retargeting links. Target audiences who have engaged with your brand during previous holiday seasons or relevant occasions. Remind them of your special offers, discounts, or exclusive products, driving them to make seasonal purchases.

Benefits of Retargeting Campaigns

Retargeting links offer several benefits for businesses. Here are some of the key benefits of using retargeting links:

Increased Conversion Rates

Retargeting links play a crucial role in boosting conversion rates for businesses. When a user has already shown interest in your products or services by visiting your website or engaging with your content, retargeting helps bring them back into the sales funnel. By presenting relevant ads or content to these prospects, you can gently remind them of what they initially found appealing. This reminder often results in higher conversion rates, as users are more likely to take action, such as making a purchase or signing up when they encounter your brand again after their initial interaction.

Improved ROI (Return on Investment)

Retargeting links are an efficient and cost-effective way to improve ROI in digital marketing campaigns. Since you are targeting users who have already shown some level of interest in your brand, products, or services, your ad spend is directed towards a more receptive audience. This focused approach can lead to higher conversion rates, which, in turn, increases the return on your advertising investment. As a result, retargeting links can often deliver a better ROI compared to broad, non-targeted advertising strategies.

Enhanced Brand Recall

Retargeting links contribute significantly to brand recall and recognition. When users see your brand repeatedly through retargeting ads, it reinforces brand awareness and familiarity. It makes it more likely for your brand to be remembered when users are ready to make a purchase or seek relevant services. Consistent exposure through retargeting helps establish trust and credibility, which are essential elements in the decision-making process for consumers.

Increased Customer Engagement

Retargeting links allow you to engage with your audience more effectively. By delivering personalized and relevant content, you can rekindle users’ interest and encourage them to interact with your brand further. This engagement can take various forms, such as clicking on an ad, visiting your website, or engaging with your social media profiles. The ability to re-engage customers and keep them actively involved with your brand is a valuable benefit of retargeting.

Extended Reach

Retargeting links also enable you to expand your reach beyond your website or app. These links can be placed on various online platforms and websites, allowing you to re-engage users wherever they go on the internet. This extended reach increases your brand’s visibility and ensures that potential customers are reminded of your offerings even when they are not actively seeking your products or services.

Precise Tracking and Analytics

Retargeting links provide in-depth tracking and analytics capabilities. This level of data allows you to gain insights into user behavior, preferences, and conversion patterns. You can track the performance of your retargeting campaigns with precision, identifying which strategies are the most effective and which may need adjustments. This data-driven approach empowers you to refine your retargeting efforts and allocate resources where they will yield the best results.

Ad Frequency Control

With retargeting links, you have control over the frequency and timing of your ads. It ensures that users do not feel overwhelmed by excessive ads, which can lead to ad fatigue and a negative perception of your brand. Instead, you can strategically control how often users are exposed to your retargeting ads, ensuring that they are reminded of your brand without feeling bombarded.

For this, you need continuous remarketing list monitoring to ensure that your list is updated according to the latest customer actions. This may require excluding users who have just recently converted from your remarketing campaigns.

Competitive Advantage

In the highly competitive digital landscape, retargeting links provide a distinct competitive advantage. By effectively re-engaging potential customers who have shown interest in your offerings, you stay top-of-mind and ahead of competitors. This ongoing presence can help you win over undecided consumers and retain existing customers, creating a strong competitive edge for your business.

Retarget link FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about retargeting links:

What is link retargeting?

Link retargeting is a digital marketing strategy that involves tracking the people who click on a specific link and then retargeting them with relevant ads or content based on their interaction with that link. It allows advertisers to re-engage and convert users who have shown interest in a particular web page or product, increasing the chances of conversions and sales.

How does retargeting work?

Retargeting works by tracking users’ online behavior, such as visiting a website or clicking on a specific link, and then displaying targeted ads to those users as they browse the internet. It helps re-engage potential customers who have already shown interest, reminding them of a product or service and encouraging them to take further action, like making a purchase.

What do you mean by retargeting?

Retargeting, also known as remarketing, is a digital advertising strategy that involves showing targeted ads to users who have previously interacted with a brand’s website, app, or content. It aims to re-engage and remind these users of the brand’s offerings, encouraging them to take desired actions, such as making a purchase or filling out a form.

How important is retargeting?

Retargeting is important in digital marketing because it can significantly improve conversion rates and ROI (Return on Investment). It helps re-engage potential customers who have already shown interest in a brand, increasing the likelihood of them completing a desired action, such as making a purchase. It makes retargeting a valuable tool for maximizing the effectiveness of online advertising campaigns.

What is remarketing list monitoring?

Remarketing list monitoring is the process of tracking a list of website visitors who have performed a specific action that makes them meet the criteria for remarketing. It involves continuously updating the list with the latest information so that customers are added or removed from the list according to a relevant action.  

How to retarget with Rebrandly?

You can retarget with Rebrandly by copying your retargeting pixel and pasting it into the retargeting script box on Rebrandly. Then create a retargeting code and link in just one click. Simply share the link in your posts and marketing messages so whenever someone clicks on it, they get added tagged so you can serve them relevant ads later on. For a more comprehensive guide on the process, check out our support article on how to do link retargeting with Rebrandly.


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Rebrandly is the easiest way to create and manage branded links. Branding links with Rebrandly increases brand awareness of companies and individuals by showcasing and implementing brand messaging across the web.