Search Results for: what is a branded link

Build vs. Buy: 9 Reasons to Consider Enterprise Link Management Solutions

Let’s face it; times are changing. The digital ecosystem has become so much more than we ever thought it could be. The deliverability, performance, and security of short links are more critical than ever, and every form of communication in every channel (SMS, WhatsApp, Email, Social Media, etc.) matters. It’s now time to move on from legacy providers who facilitate generic link-shortening and move to a more modern, secure alternative....

Why You Need Password-Protected Links 

Password-protected links provide an added layer of security that you may need when sharing specific types of content. For industries such as healthcare, telecommunications, and finance, privacy and security are extremely important. But whether you’re sharing sensitive information or providing exclusive access to a new product or promotional campaign, password-protected links are a powerful tool for safeguarding important or sensitive information.  We’re excited to share that Rebrandly now offers password-protected...

Essential Questions IT and Security Professionals Should Ask about Link Management

Links are the lifeblood of digital experiences, enabling content to flow between organizations and their customers, users, and employees. IT and security professionals are becoming increasingly aware of the role link management platforms can play as a core strategy to help their organizations manage their links securely to decrease risk and increase security.  In this article, we share 11 essential questions that you should be asking about the risk level...

How to Determine if Your LinkedIn Links Are a Security Risk

As a hub for career advancement and business development, LinkedIn is filled with potential opportunities, but it’s also speckled with potential security risks. These risks come in many forms, but one of the most overlooked is the humble hyperlink. Identifying whether your LinkedIn links pose a security risk is not just about protecting your customers’ personal information. It’s also about safeguarding your business reputation and maintaining the trust of your...

How to Determine if Your Facebook Links Are a Security Risk

Businesses rely heavily on online presence and social media to connect with their audience, and the security of their online assets has become paramount. Facebook, as one of the leading social media platforms, is a valuable tool for companies to engage with their customers and promote their brand. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and it’s crucial for businesses to assess whether their Facebook links pose a security risk. ...

Do Your Links Hurt Your Email Open Rate?

Email marketing remains a critical tool for engaging with your audience and driving conversions for businesses and organizations. However, the effectiveness of your email campaigns hinges not only on your compelling content but also on the strategic placement of hyperlinks within your messages. Links, when used thoughtfully, can enhance user experience and drive desired actions, such as clicking through to your website or making a purchase. But if not carefully...

How to Determine if Your Social Media Links Are a Security Risk

As businesses or social media influencers share content, it’s important to ensure that shared links aren’t jeopardizing their audience.  Determining the safety of social media links isn’t just good practice; it’s an essential part of maintaining a brand’s trust and reputation.  Every shared link on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram serves as a gateway, but it’s critical to ensure that this pathway is free from threats and vulnerabilities. According...

How to Determine If Your Links Are a Security Risk

Understanding how to determine if your links pose a security risk is paramount to safeguarding your online presence and data integrity.  Sharing a link is more than just connecting two points; it’s about ensuring that the journey between those points is secure, reliable, and trustworthy for all involved.  Without the proper attention, URLs can harbor hidden dangers, ranging from phishing scams and malware to identity theft and data breaches. Link...

How to Determine if Your SMS Links Are a Security Risk

SMS (Short Message Service) remains a widely used tool for sending short, concise messages. However, the convenience of SMS comes with a caveat. They pose potential security risks associated with the links embedded within these messages. As cyber threats continue to evolve, it’s essential for individuals, businesses, and organizations to be vigilant in identifying and mitigating these risks. Determining if your SMS links are a security risk requires a multifaceted...

Linking to live video: Facebook Live tips for marketers

If you frequent your Facebook newsfeed at all, you’ll have noticed that video is king at the moment. And with the ability to engage viewers in real-time, live video serves as the perfect tool for driving authentic engagements. So if you haven’t started using Facebook Live, check out our Facebook Live tips to help you out: Facebook Live’s Key Features Facebook is constantly updating the features and capabilities of its...