Enrico Lucia

5 Steps on How to Create a Brand Identity

  A brand is only as good as people’s perception of it. Regardless of how good your products are or how competitive your prices may be, your branding is the main thing that will set you apart from the competition. It’s the only thing that makes your business instantly recognizable in a sea of competitors, so a strong brand identity is crucial for long-term success and business growth. But what...

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How to Nail Your Next SMS Campaign with Branded Link Management

If there’s one thing that drives me crazy, it’s leaving a text message unread. The little red notification hovering over a messaging app can really drive me nuts. And THAT is what makes an SMS campaign so powerful.  Most of us don’t get push alerts for email. But we do for text messages. Texting is how we stay in touch with family and friends. And when we opt in, it’s...

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Broken Links: 4 Tips to Avoid the Dreaded 404 Redirect

Do you publish multiple links per month? Per week? Per day? For most marketers and web developers, managing link volume is a reality. In fact, many Rebrandly customers send tens of thousands of unique links per month. Some send millions or more.  With that volume, it may feel impossible to keep track of each link and ensure it doesn’t lead a customer, potential buyer, partner, or employee to a dreaded...

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Link management: What it is and why your company needs it

  Link management is about the ability to organize, edit, analyze and have complete control over all the links your organization shares – no matter how big or small your company is. Links are an important asset to any business. They connect your brand with the online world, so its essential that you’re in control of them. Link management presents you with the opportunity to protect your brand and optimize your...

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Understanding the Best Time to Post on Facebook

Timing is everything, and that applies to your Facebook marketing strategy as well. The idea is to publish your posts while your followers are the most active, so you have a better chance of engaging them and driving up your organic reach. In other words, knowing the best time to post on Facebook will help you get the most out of your social media marketing efforts. With a total of...

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Using Rebrandly to Enhance ChatGPT’s “Share Link to Chat” Feature

Table of Contents Introduction: Enhancing ChatGPT’s Share Link Feature The Power of Rebrandly Simplifying URL Editing with Rebrandly Brand Recognition with Customized Links Accessing Rebrandly: Lite Plan and Beyond Conclusion FAQs   Introduction: Enhancing ChatGPT’s Share Link Feature ChatGPT has revolutionized the way we interact with AI models, providing intelligent and conversational responses. As users share the generated chat content, it becomes crucial to have an efficient link management system...

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The Best Conversion Rate Optimization Tools in 2020

  Conversion rate optimization — also known as CRO — is the process marketers go through to convert more of their website visitors into taking an action. This action could be turning your visitors into actual leads, subscribers or customers for example.  CRO is one of the most important marketing activities for businesses today. It is simply not enough to just drive traffic to our website — although this too...

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What is Deep Linking? – Understanding How Mobile Deep Links Work

As mobile apps reign supreme, mastering the art of deep linking has become indispensable.  By enabling marketers to send users directly to specific pages within their mobile applications, deep linking connects users to a seamless and personalized mobile experience. As such, it offers a multitude of benefits that will subsequently impact ROI. Let’s dive into the intricacies of deep linking, covering crucial topics such as app links, universal links, and...

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How to Boost Your Social Engagement: The Ultimate Guide

  You may have heard over and over again from multiple sources how important it is to engage your audience. But even though you’ve been following social media best practices and sharing high-quality content regularly, you still don’t see the kind of engagement that delivers measurable results. That’s understandable because driving social engagement is easier said than done. In this post, you’ll discover some of the most crucial steps that...

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The 4-Step Guide on How to Fix Broken Links

Not a lot of things are more annoying than clicking on a link to find something you need only to land on a page that no longer exists. 404 error pages can instantly harm your website user experience and also impact your SEO in the long run. So you’ll want to find out how to fix broken links and deliver a satisfying user experience if you want your business to...

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